В Англии прервали матч из-за приземлившегося на поле вертолета

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Встреча 37-го тура второй английской лиги (четвертого по значимости дивизиона Англии) "Честерфилд" – "Линкольн" (1:3) была прервана на 26-й минуте из-за приземлившегося на поле медицинского вертолета.

Одному из болельщиков на стадионе стало плохо, и за ним прилетел вертолет. Пауза в связи с этим инцидентом продолжалась примерно 30 минут.

Superb levels of respect shown by both sets of supporters as the Air Ambulance departs the Proact Stadium (@ChesterfieldFC).

Our thoughts are with the supporter involved and their family. We wish them well. #FootballFamily #ImpsAsOne pic.twitter.com/H58DxtaYnE

– Lincoln City FC (@LincolnCity_FC) 10 марта 2018 г.

26' The game has been stopped here at the Proact, due to an incident involving a supporter sitting in the East Stand, who's receiving medical treatment.

An air ambulance will shortly be landing on the pitch.

– Chesterfield FC (@ChesterfieldFC) 10 марта 2018 г.

Our thoughts with the supporter involved and their family at this time. We wish them a speedy recovery.

– Chesterfield FC (@ChesterfieldFC) 10 марта 2018 г.

Air ambulance landing on the pitch here at the Proact.

We will keep you up to date with what’s happening. pic.twitter.com/1shdrnvFh5

– Chesterfield FC (@ChesterfieldFC) 10 марта 2018 г.

The air ambulance is now set to leave the pitch, huge applause rings around the stadium.

Fantastic work by all medical staff here today.

– Chesterfield FC (@ChesterfieldFC) 10 марта 2018 г.