Football. The end of the PFL age?

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Representatives of 17 second division clubs conducted constituting conference, where a decision was made to establish a new league. If their plans come true, the second established division of the Russian football will be called the Major league.

The current processes in Russian football are manifold. On the one hand, such innovations as establishing Russian football major league bear superficial character. On the other hand, the "plotters" say that it's not about the velvet revolution or redistribution of power sources, but the deep changes in the Russian football.

Let us try to estimate the events of the resent weeks from the both points of view.

The beginning of the past season saw creation of the so-called board of presidents. Their powers are very wide: judging, TV rights, professional ethics, solidarity etc. Having worked together whole year long the administration of the Russian football elite found out that it's much easier to solve many urgent matters without any intrusion of both the poor masses - clubs of the third division, and intractable leaders, personified by the PFL president Nikolay Tolstih. Being aware of the tense relations between Tolstih and the RFS president Vyacheslav Koloskov, the reform-makers asked for the support of the major football official, and did right. At present the RFPL is almost legitimized and can start solving prior to its consideration problems.

The second division clubs followed their way last Saturday. It's likely that we'll have another abbreviation to get used to - NPVL, as they have their own problems and the creation of such organization is explainable.

The two forms of management - the old and the new one - have more common features than different ones. Russian football benefited from PFL a lot. It is this organization that advanced Russia to the civilized football countries. So far there is only one difference - independence in decision-making absence of which fettered first and second division clubs.

PFL ceased to react on changes adequately recently. It turned to implanting, instructing, punishing body, and a very opinionated one. Having failed to see administrative and human flexibility the clubs decided to make a revolution. Now they are to go through the most difficult times - transitional period. But there is no other way out - this way or another but Russian football will have to take the way of reforms.